Compare And Contrast Essay Help

Comparative and contrast essay examples

Compare And Contrast Essay Examples College Vs High School

Science fiction is one literary genre whose possibilities in terms of generating engaging stories are infinite. The only limit a science-fiction author has is his or her imagination. However impossible, crazy, or unbelievable a world described in the novel is, if the author is talented, he or she will make it real for an audience. Robert Heinlein was one of such masters. It is probably difficult to find a person in the western world who would not at least partially be aware of his legacy, or who would have not read such masterpieces as “The Puppet Masters,” “Tunnel in the Sky,” Citizen of the Galaxy,” and many others. There is, however, one novel that has become a true cult classic: “Starship Troopers,” a title that is probably familiar to everyone living in the West.

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Contrast Essay Format

The original story was published in 1959, and a year later brought Heinlein the Hugo Award for Best Novel. Despite it having been written more than half a century ago, “Starship Troopers” still remains a book without age–meaning that it does not look obsolete. On the contrary, it is one of those novels that serve as a mainframe, a roadmap to younger generations of authors who inherit the structure and the narrative of classics.

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