Personal Essay For Pharmacy School Application

Post pharmacy school related questions elsewhere: Questions about pharmacy school are off-topic in this sub. Please direct all questions about prerequisites, applications, cost, and other related matters to /r/prepharmacy. Personal Essay Pharmacy School Work. Personal essay pharmacy school contributions require a good number of things to get you noticed. One of your primary goals with the personal essay for pharmacy school is to round out your application for admission.

The course of the medical world has been phenomenally changed by the discovery of Penicillin, one of the most effective life-saving drugs. Such advances intrigue me to learn about the formation of drugs, how they produce an effect in the body and their correct usage on people. As innovative medicines are being developed for emerging diseases, a pharmacist's role is crucial and at the forefront to provide medicines in a safe and effective way. Pharmacy appeals to me as it involves studying both health and chemical sciences, which I am passionate about, and it would enable me to help and work with patients which I would find very gratifying.

Personal Essay For Pharmacy Program


Attending the 'Science School Conference 2010' organized by the Royal College of Pathologists, enlightened me more on the practical side of healthcare. I found the talk about virology by Dr Mark Atkins enthralling, especially the fact that the outbreak of past viral epidemics has geared up scientists to devise new techniques to tackle the forthcoming attacks. Ever since learning the fundamentals of Chemistry, I knew this was the pathway I would follow.Chemistry at A-Level has developed my understanding of the atomic structures, bonding and chemical mechanisms which I believe are elementary to study Pharmacy.

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